Move from exhausted to energized with this "get energy" game plan!


Health for the Long Haul: 6 Ancestral Secrets for Energy and Vitality

My health for the long haul course is designed to give you the energy and vitality that are your birthright. Move from exhausted to energized through this 6-week course that is part course/part challenge. (Think 75 Hard, but with Holistic Hilda’s spice–half the days and twice the fun!!)

For 6 weeks, Holistic Hilda empowers you to recover your energy through six ancestral secrets: sunshine, sleep, shivers, sustenance, strength, spirit.

I'm in!

Course Layout

Videos related to one secret released weekly

Encouraging emails from Hilda framing the weekly challenge for each secret 

Community building with course participants

BONUS: Resources for a deeper dive into the secret of the week

EXTRA BONUS: Downloadable accompanying handbook PDF with science, resources and Hilda's tips

MEGA BONUS: 3 LIVE Q&As with Holistic Hilda


I have never done anything like this before! I want to empower you not only with information to boost your energy and vitality but to have you experience it! Sign up now for this unique opportunity to connect with me while integrating the secrets into your daily life! (Keep in mind that the course is limted to 40 participants.)

I'm in!

What is the course worth?

20+ videos from Holistic Hilda $400 value

Private list of Holistic Hilda's favorite resources $100 value

3 LIVE Q&As with Holistic Hilda $600 value

Course value $1000


ON SALE NOW for only $300

(limited time offer)


(This boils down to $50 per week--a steal for all of the above, plus time with Holistic Hilda!)

Pay $300 one time


Join with a friend (or family member) and save 10% each! Simply email us at [email protected] and we'll help you make it happen.

Sale for course ends









Frequently Asked Questions